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 As your certified life coach, it is my “job” is to transform the quality of people’s lives by teaching them tools to manifest their hearts’ desires. It’s a purpose that lights me up and nourishes me deeply. I’m also making more money than I ever dreamed possible – and would love to share with you exactly how I got here, especially considering that this was not always the case.


Just in case you’re wondering, none of what I’ve created came about by accident, and I believe the same or more is possible for you, regardless of your current circumstances. I’ve lived through major health issues, my parent's death, two major car accidents, a miscarriage, and a self-death experience.


Before I understood how to apply the laws of attraction, I was unhappy in virtually every aspect of my life: I was a hundred pounds overweight and extremely depressed. I worked at a job I hated and felt like I was the worst mother on earth for working so much. I tried everything I could think of to improve myself and my life, falsely believing that changing my external circumstances would help me to feel happy inside. Nothing worked. My life felt like a constant, uphill struggle.


So, how did I get from where I was then to where I am now – and more importantly, how does that apply to you? Quite simply, I learned that the universe is made up entirely of energy, and I learned how to work with my own energy field in order to magnetize into my life everything I had ever wanted – and I so want to teach you how to do this, too! 


When we work together, I will consistently provide you with transformational tools that you can count on, because I know from my own personal experience that they really work. I will do what I say and say what I do, as I believe that I must deliver on my promises always. I will show up for you – powerfully and authentically – and will share my knowledge and expertise in a way that you will feel, relate to, and be empowered to make immediate use of in your own life.


I invite you to accept my invitation toward greater self-discovery, mastery, and personal empowerment. I guarantee you will become amazed by yourself, inspired by all that you can be, do and create, and fall madly in love with yourself and your life!

I believe in creating relationships that are built on trust and respect in every area of my life.


Adriane Brower

Sessions Starting at $45.

APB Owner

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